Python string capitalize() method

Vishvajit Rao
2 min readOct 24, 2020


In this article, you will learn about the python string capitalize() method. Python string capitalize method is used to work with string. Here you will learn about the python capitalize() method which is used to convert the first character of a string in upper case.

Python String capitalize() method:

Python string capitalize method is used to change the first character of the string
into uppercase without changing the whole string.


The syntax of the Python capitalize() method is:


Return Type:

The String capitalize function returns the string with the first letter capitalize and all other characters are lowercased.


The Python string capitalize method does not take any parameter.

Let’s see an example for using Python capitalize() string method.

Python string capitalize() method example:


str = "programming funda"
print("Old string:- ", str)
str2 = str.capitalize()
print("New string:- ",str2)COPY


Old string:-  programming funda
New string:- Programming fundaCOPY

Example 2:

If the first character of the string is already in uppercase, then the python capitalize () method what will do.

str = "Python programming"
print("Old string:- ", str)
str2 = str.capitalize()
print("New string:- ",str2)COPY


Old string:-  Python programming
New string:- Python programmingCOPY

Example 3:- None alphabetic first character:

If the first character of the string is not an alphabet, Then the Python capitalize() string method returns the same string.

str = "12Python programming"
print("Old string:- ", str)
str2 = str.capitalize()
print("New string:- ",str2)COPY


Old string:-  12Python programming
New string:- 12python programmingCOPY


In this article, You have learned what is Python string capitalize method and how to use the string capitalize function to convert the first character of a string in upper case.

I hope this article will help you, if you like this article, please comment and share with your friends who want to learn python from scratch to advanced.

For More Reference:- Click Here



Vishvajit Rao
Vishvajit Rao

Written by Vishvajit Rao

Hi everyone I hope you are doing well, My name is Vishvajit and I am a Data Engineer.

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